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Jonny Whisenant
Rev. Jonny L. Whisenant 
Saturday, August 10 2024


Dear Sisters and Brothers,

Abortion is the manifest cultural watershed of our times and a bigger issue than we sometimes perceive. A watershed can be considered a turning point, or historic moment, but geographically it is a dividing elevation like a mountain ridge which channeles all water running below it in one of two different directions. So why abortion? As far as we know Humankind are the only beings in Heaven and on Earth made in God's Image and given the custodianship (the sober duty and astounding privilege), of filling the earth with the Image of God. Being made in His Image we were to make the Invisible God visible in our realm, like light-bulbs turning invisible electricity into light in all areas of a dark room. All of our reproductive faculties, the multiplication of children, and the stable nursery of family were given to us to enjoy and for the purpose of launching God reflecting Images (lightbulbs) into this world. In other words, it's not just about us, it's about our duty and responsibility to God to fulfill our purpose. And we must confront it on a spiritual level, because the attack of abortion is leveled ultimately at God's Image by the evil one. From the beginning it has been his design to thwart God's plan. It has been to stop it, spoil it, pervert it, make it ugly, murder it, anything to thwart the presence of the light of the Image of God in the realm he now has to occupy. Humanity is his enemy and abortion is a manifestation of his wrath. In other words the heart of the issue is even deeper than the merciless killing of human infants, it is the efacing of God's reflected presence. And today it is a manifest cultural watershed because the culture of those who side with it must ultimately be understood to be self-destructive, blinded to their own self destruction by the evil one. So that those who do not protect pre-born human infants (the most harmless and vulnerable of all humans) should not be expected or trusted to protect humans of any age after them. Depopulation has now become a serious concern for much of the industrialized world both due to the prevailing practice of  abortion and the abandonment of humanities purpose in lieu of self serving lifestyles. While those who seek to carry out their callings are seeking light, survival, and continuance of their race before God. It is an issue on an historic level and a turning point for humanity.

May God Bless,



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